Saturday, March 12, 2016

Of Bronze—and Blaze—

Of Bronze—and Blaze—
The North—Tonight—
So adequate—it forms—
So preconcerted with itself—
So distant—to alarms—
And Unconcern so sovereign
To Universe, or me—
Infects my simple spirit
With Taints of Majesty—
Till I take vaster attitudes—
And strut upon my stem—
Disdaining Men, and Oxygen,
For Arrogance of them—
My Splendors, are Menagerie—
But their Competeless Show
Will entertain the Centuries
When I, am long ago,
An Island in dishonored Grass—
Whom none but Daisies, know.
Emily Dickinson
The North is tonight
Of bright color—
It forms so decent —
So established with itself—
So distant to admiration—
And so aloof Indifference
To People, or me—
Blemished Nobility!
I feel ill against its manner
Till I take vaster attitudes—
And ignore Men, and Air
For Arrogance of them—
And walk proudly of my heritage—
My Glory is a Circus (short run)—
But their unrivaled Show
Will entertain the Centuries
But I am a Mound earlier
Known only by Daisies
In abandoned Grass—
* Emily can enjoy a life in the Paradise earlier than Aurora.
* Emily doesn’t like a distant beauty.

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